A woman holding a bottle of water while leaning against a wall


In all honesty, we couldn’t have thought of a better title if we tried. 

Since life is our very existence and hydration is the key process of absorbing water, the combination of the two literally speaks to sustaining life.

Let’s break it down*:

  • Up to 60% of the adult human body is made up of water
  • 73% of the brain and heart are composed of water
  • Lungs contain about 83% water
  • The skin contains 64% water
  • Muscles and kidneys contain 79% water
  • Surprisingly, bones, too, are watery and contain 31% water

As you can see, we rely on water for both our existence and functionality. Ideally, a person needs one glass of water per 10kg of body mass. So, if you’re weighing in around 60kg, you should get in around 6 glasses a day for maintenance and optimal health. 

However, if it’s weight you want to lose, you’ll need a touch more. Not only are water molecules required to break down fats for energy and the release of carbon dioxide, it also boosts your metabolism and suppresses your appetite. And similarly, like the G.I. (glycemic index) for glucose effect on our bloodstream, there is a beverage hydration index – it’s pretty interesting. 

The beverage hydration index (BHI) is a composite measurement of fluid balance after consuming a test beverage relative to water. Calculate BHI by dividing the urine mass after consuming still water by the urine mass for each test beverage. **

So, I’d recommend 2.5 to 3 litres of water daily, every day. 

If you don’t drink enough water a day, this may cause adverse effects on your kidneys and other vital organs as they are all linked. Kidneys, as you may know, are the filters of the body which remove toxins and assist in balancing our bloodstream’s homeostasis. So, imagine being dehydrated? It’s kinda like pushing sludge through a sieve – an intense struggle to process the removal of toxins. Not pretty.

Here’s my plea to you reading this: Drink water. Hydrate. Assist your organs. Function optimally. 

And lastly, but also super NB — not all beverages are equal.

Absorption for the body is affected by many factors such as: 

– Electrolyte and carbohydrate content

– Amount of fluid ingested

– Presence of diuretics (substances that stimulate urine production)

As you know – if you’ve been following our monthly blogs – our favourite drink, HPR, contains water, electrolytes, protein, carbs, and micronutrients that all come full circle in hydrating our bodies. A quick fun fact… Dairy, particularly milk, has been proven more effective for rehydration after strenuous exercise than water and sports drinks. How is this? Well, the process of rehydration is influenced by the sodium content as well as the volume consumed. It’s been a long-known fact that beverages like HPR that contain carbohydrates and electrolytes, increase the rate of fluid absorption. 

In conclusion: HPR wins again!

Click on the link below to order your HPR and include it in your daily routine:


Love from your resident sports nutritionist,

The Fitness Hybrid 

*H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158. 

**Exert taken from mysportsscience.com





HPR is a specially formulated, high-quality protein recovery drink, packed with 21 grams of protein and 8 added vitamins that are crucial for high-intensity exercises. It provides all the necessary components to speed up muscle recovery so you can Recover Like a Pro.